See, i cloned them from a petri dish, see, i hocked a big loogy into one and added a bunch of black sabbath tunes and Gene Simmon’s tongue and some black d blood stock and presto instant insanity. They even have these reeeeally cool alien masks. #734 Tue, 14:31:44 Re: arise, O silent ones In a message dated 2:16:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: So, how was everybody’s New Year’s Eve? Sun Project was AWESOME if anybody has heard raging guitar rock trance, these are the guys who make all those songs and i must tell you that they did it all LIVE and they blew the roof off of vinyl. it wouldn’t be new york if you didn’t get shit from a stranger at least once a day eh? many many aplogies to those who have gotten a shite attitude from the security at the venue. these have been seriously addressed and we have been promised by the venue that there will be a vast improvement. Rendevous-Spelunk Recordings Ralphie Romance-Streetsound visuals by Microdotcom open vodka bar 10-11pm $12 full/$10 reduced on the brainmachines list (email ) at VIP 20 west 20th, NYC 21+, bring ID ********We know there have been issues with the security at the door of the club. Touch touch-nyc Saturday, January 8th 10pm-7am (get there early, as the lines can get loooong) with DJ’s Dave Hollands-Minimal Wage Sean Hall-Touch Billy Shane-Touch Dr. nobody in their right mind will be near a large crowd on in nyc on new years, so save it up for Touch on January 8th to hug and kiss your friends and really bring in the end of the century in the trashy dance floor mess we call Touch. so all your friends have taken off for the holiday, or you yourself have a great plan to go out into the woods and commune with the squirrels and avoid the anthrax spores!!!! well, screw all that. and inhale that tear gas in deeply 4-chill out with the close circle you love 5-save your energy for Touch the this weekend, jan 8th. 2-hop a plane to somewhere nice 3-go to times sq. #733 Tue, 12:16:49 Big Progressive House/Progressive Trance party Saturday Email to get on the reduced list for this wonderful, accessible, good vibe party Saturday: your post new years options in nyc: 1-drop a shitload of money for a club and be rammed in with a bunch of out of towners.

It doesn’t have to be trance – just intelligent and fun. Let yourself be heard and share the wealth. #732 11:44:50 -owner at x.xxx File: OKyou.txt Is it me, or are you not sending me cool events to send to the 300+ cool members who were obviously cool enough like yourself to join the brainmachines list? Speak up. Trip Out New York was called Brainmachines from 1999-2003.