Another 12 are held at Meisei University in Tokyo. More than a third (82) of the extant copies are housed at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C. Occasionally, new copies are found, some as recently as 2016. Scholars believe that 700-800 First Folios were printed. For more on genre in Shakespeare, see Plays by Year & Genre. In addition to these, as many as 80 other plays, loosely called the Shakespeare Apocrypha, have been questionably attributed to Shakespeare but with no consensus among scholars. Two other plays, Cardenio and Love's Labors Won, are mentioned in documents during or shortly after Shakespeare's life as having been written by him, but they have never been found. It first appeared in an anonymous quarto edition in 1596, but there is no evidence that it was ever performed by Shakespeare's company. Edward III has recently gained acceptance among some scholars as being written at least in part by Shakespeare as well. Two additional plays that do not appear in the First Folio, Pericles Prince of Tyre and The Two Noble Kinsmen, are now considered to have been written at least in part by Shakespeare. Rights to publish it may have been acquired after the Catalogue page was printed. In addition to the 35 plays listed on the Catalog page, Troilus and Cressida, which is not listed, is also included in the First Folio between the histories and the tragedies. We do not know how Shakespeare might have labeled them.

Shakespeare's plays are categorized in the First Folio by Heminge and Condell as comedies, histories and tragedies.

(See Publication Chronology for quarto A quarto is a book made by folding large sheets of paper twice, creating four leaves or eight pages and octavo An octavo is a book made by folding large sheets of paper three times, creating eight leaves or sixteen pages editions that were printed prior to the First Folio, and for the approximate order in which the plays were written and published). Shakespeare's friends and fellow actors, John Heminge and Henry Condell, are primarily responsible for saving almost all of Shakespeare's works in the First Folio. Eighteen of those plays had never appeared in print before and might have been lost forever. Thirty-six of Shakespeare's plays are included in what is now called the First Folio (three more editions were eventually printed).

Folio format was usually reserved for scholarly and theological texts, so this was an unusual and expensive endeavor. format in London in 1623, seven years after Shakespeare's death. Published according to the True Originall Copies” was published in f olio A folio is a book made by folding large sheets of paper once, creating two leaves or four pages. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies.